“…. just because we close our eyes to the unceasing variation of
every physical state, we are obliged when the change has
become so considerable as to force itself on our attention, to
speak as if a new state were placed alongside the previous
one. Of this new state we assume that it remains unvarying
in its turn, and so on endlessly”
- Henri Bergson, Creative Evolution
In April 2015, I decided to move back to India from Paris, by surface, to discover the distance I had put between myself and my home for the previous half decade. My main capture device during my travels was a Beautyflex 66, which had a shutter failure early in the course of my travels. Soon after this, I dropped my phone, which also happened to be my backup point-and- shoot camera. As the screen smashed, I couldn’t quite ‘see’ the photos I was making.
Born out of interruptions in transmission and ways of seeing, these abstractions are a speculation on oscillating perception & interchangeable realities, a celebration of the inaccuracies presented by digital devices and of the opportunities presented by everyday irregularities.
PX3 Prix de La Photograpie Paris , Honourable Mention